Live on GB News discussing Childrens Diets

LIVE on - It was a pleasure to speak to @gbnews yesterday afternoon about the recent rise in concerns around childrens diets, and as a dietitian and mum of 2, Im super proud to be supporting the new A to Z of Great Food which is a free to access initiative from @organixfood to help parents to not only wean and feed their growing children in a healthy way, but to get them more involved in food too!

You can find out more about the initiative on my @mummynutrition IG page as Ive shared 2 recent reels about the A to Z wall chart (featured behind me in the clip!) and amazing new A to Z online hub, which is packed with nutrition information, tips and healthy recipes. Ive also done a few recent radio interviews about it too which you may have heard!

So yes, whilst fussy eating does exist, the following could help;

exposure - offering new fruits and vegetables, at least 10-15 times, to your child along side safe foods, ie foods you know they like

keeping meal times calm & positive (and distraction free!)

involving children in meal planning & talking about foods in a positive way

getting creative and fun with foods - from fruit kebabs to faces on a pizza made from cooked vegetables!

role modelling & sitting down as a family to eat when possible

allowing independence where possible eg getting their own plate, serving them selves .. and ultimately (as the presenter suggested!) preparing foods themselves!

What are your thoughts on the issues?!

#dietitian #gbnews #nutritionist #fussyeating #organizatoz

Wearing - @muraelondon
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