Jugo Verde para Bajar de Peso (Green Juice for Weight Loss)

Jugo verde para bajar de peso y tener ms energa! Green juice for energy and weight loss! Can you say qu ricccco?! http://youtu.be/v0P8CmIj8ic

I've just finished filming my very first video en Espaol (English friendly too!), and it's my suave FullyRaw green juice to help with weight loss and give you abundant energy! Es mi primer video en Espaol. Ojal que te guste y que te encante esta receta! Te vs a sentir mucho mejor y ms feliz tomando este jugo cada da. Este jugo es deliciosa! Aqu estn los ingredientes que vas a necesitar:

4 Pepinos (4 cucumbers)
Apio (3-4 stalks of celery)
4-5 Manzanas (4-5 apples)
1/2 Pia (Half pineapple)
3-4 Ojas de lacinato (3-4 leaves of kale)
5 Limones (Juice of 5 lemons)
Nopal (Cactus)

Necesitas un exprimador para hacer esta receta. You will need a juicer for this recipe. Yo tengo un Omega Vert 350. Ojal que te guste esta receta! Es verde y es FRESCO, y te va a ayudar a bajarte de peso porque es saludable.

This recipe is DELICIOUS, and you will LOVE it! When you're ready, run all ingredients through your juicer. It's green and FRESH, and it will help you lose weight because it's healthy!

Muchas gracias por tu apoyo! Te mando todos mis abrazos!

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About FullyRawKristina:
Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram lives to inspire a FullyRaw or 100% raw vegan healthy lifestyle. Raw veganism incorporates fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Kristina posts new videos every week that include recipes, tips, tricks, vlogs, motivational, fitness, exercise, and inspiration on how to be the best version of yourself!

Please watch: "3 AWESOME Healthy Salad Recipes THAT AREN'T BORING | FullyRaw Vegan"
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