Interview with Nutritionist Sara Vance on Why We've Broken Our Collective Metabolism HPC: E37

Ever hear someone say, "He's just skinny because he has a high metabolism?"

Or used this one: "I have trouble losing weight because I have such a slow metabolism..." ?

What about our kids? Are there things we can do, habits we can set, foods we can eat, to CHANGE their metabolism and set them up for either positive or negative outcomes?

Nutritionist Sara Vance says YES! People's metabolisms are a huge KEY to their health (and weight) and we can help them out...or mess them up royally.

Here's what you'll learn in today's expert interview:

* Did this nutritionist love veggies as a kid??
* What "metabolism" actually means (and dude - it's totally not what I would have expected or stumbled through attempting to explain to someone! That's why Sara is the expert!)
* The metabolism of we start out perfect? And what exactly is breaking us? :( (Spoiler: it has to do with food, even though doctors keep saying food doesn't matter!)
* Many people use "my metabolism is slowing down as I get older," as an excuse for gaining weight. My little mama belly would like to use that excuse too - but I'm not sure we get to after this, drat! :/
* Why so many diets fail us even when we work so hard at them!
* 10 keys to a perfect metabolism, which apply to adults and kids alike...

My favorite quote came after I stopped recording, but it is so poignant I had to write it down: "You don't have to be miserable to be healthy."

What more would you like to know? We'll have Sara back to talk about kids' health and sugar especially, so what can she address for us?

Related links:
* Recipe for "smart water" from Kitchen Stewardship:

* Sara's book:The Perfect Metabolism Plan

* Find Sara Vance at

* Her courses:

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at
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