Instant Pot Dress-It-Yourself Shredded Chicken

Recipe Here!:

Sometimes we just want to eat healthy and shed a few pounds, but also be able to customize one of the most popular foods around - chicken. And this fantastic, dress-it-yourself shredded chicken is the PERFECT thing to help achieve it!

Not only does the chicken shred apart with the touch of a fork (or the blend of a stand mixer), but it becomes so juicy, tender and flavorful from JUST this base recipe that you won't feel guilty eating it. This is some fine protein here, folks.

And if you want to dress it up, have at it! Want some BBQ sauce on it? Go for it! Want to just squeeze some lemon? Your waist will start shrinking.

This will serve as a base for an amazing chicken salad, buffalo chicken dip, chicken to toss into a chicken noodle soup and more. The sky's the limit with this one! The best part? YOU get to make it how (healthy) you want it!
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