Instant Hacks #Shorts: Ramen Noodles with Egg, Mayonnaise, Garlic | Korean Nongshim Ramyeon | India Food Network

Inspired by every second food reel about mixing mayo, egg and garlic into ramen, we set out to discover if it tasted as good as everybody said.

Technically, this trend borrows from carbonara; which calls for a mixture of raw egg, cheese, and seasoning to be combined with hot pasta. We were worried mayo would lessen the impact of spicy ramen, but in reality, the combination of mayo, garlic and egg elevated the flavour.

If you're going to try this out, this is what we did:

Separately boil the noodles from your instant ramen (we used Nongshim India) as per package instructions.
In a bowl, mix:
1 tbsp mayonnaise (while the original trend uses Kewpie, don't stress on the brand - we used Veeba), 1 egg, 6 cloves minced garlic.
Add the spice and seasoning packets.
Mix together, then stir it into the boiled noodles while they're still hot (this will ensure the egg is cooked).

Tell us what you think!

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