The first few times we tried Limoncello… We didn't 'get it'. Not at all. Too sweet, too syrup-y. Why??? Then we tried the 'House Made' Limoncello at Soho House Toronto. The world changed. The barman explained what they did, and why we probably liked it.

So here's the rundown: Start with the highest proof neutral grain spirit (or Vodka) that you can get. We use one that is 76% alcohol. As we understand it; this isn't something that you can buy everywhere, some provinces / states cap alcohol by volume at 50%. So use what you can get; but 40% just isn't good enough.
Next; they keep the sugar content much lower than you find in most other recipes. This keeps the flavour bright and refreshing, rather than sticky and sweet.
Final step… is let it mellow a few weeks before you drink it.

Of course maybe you like it super sweet and syrupy… In that case there's nothing to see here.

Our full cocktail playlist:

4 Lemons
300 - 325 mL of high proof grain alcohol (76% or 152º)
150 - 250 mL of simple syrup

Wash the lemons! Use a vegetable peeler to remove the lemon skin - just the peel, and not the white pith underneath (this is far too bitter).
Put the lemon peel in a sealable (Mason) jar. Pour over 300 - 325 mL of alcohol. Give it a shake, and put it somewhere dark for two weeks.
After two weeks, strain out the peels and mix in the simple syrup. We start around 100 to 150 mL (which gives a final alcohol by volume of around: 57 - 50%. You may want to add more - so taste it and add what you need… **Most people will want to get the % alcohol to around 40%*** But remember it will taste mellower once it's chilled and has rested a few more weeks.

Set it aside for a couple weeks before drinking.

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