How To Make Duck Stock At Home (In 40 minutes)

Join my online French cooking classes : Duck stock: make a delicious duck stock from at home in less then an hour.

Making your own duck stock or duck broth at home is easy with the simple recipe. just get some duck bones from your poultry shop along a few other ingredients and you are good to go.

note that in this video I am using 2 cups of ready made duck broth which allow me to get a real tasty duck cooking stock in 40 minutes. you can also substitute the duck broth for chicken broth or stock .

If you wish to use to use water only you can. but you will have to use 4 cups of water and leave the stock to cook for at least 1.30 to 2 hours.

ingredients needed:
700 grams to a kilo / 5 cups or more of duck carcasses or bones chopped in small pieces.( the more bones the more taste)
100 ml /half a cup of dry white wine ( I used sauvignon blanc)
50 grams / 0.33 cup of roughly chopped carrots
50 grams / 0.33 cups of roughly chopped onions
2 cups of the shelf duck broth ( you can also use chicken or veal broth)
1 cup of water
2 bay leaves.
1 tablespoon of rosemary
4 small fresh sage leaves
5 parsley stockes
2 small twigs of dry thyme
1 teaspoon of black peppercorn
1 teaspoon of juniper berries


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