How To Have A Great Strength Workout On A Playground

Don't want to join a gym? How about rocking a workout at your local playground?

I recently mentioned in an email to the Raw Food Health Journal's subscribers that I hadn't joined a gym since getting to Austin, Texas. In fact, I haven't even lifted a weight, Yet I'm still progressing toward all my strength goals.

How can this be? Because I have a simple playground near my house.

I realize that as long as I've got gravity, my own body weight, a bar, and maybe a wall or a tree, I can make myself stronger.

The strongest men of Greece and Rome, who were immortalized in statues that survive today, had very few pieces of equipment, and primarily relied on their own body weight. Yet when we look at them we're astounded by their physiques.

In this video I talk about just a few of the many moves you can do to build strength on a playground.

Here are just a few of the nearly endless ways in which you can have a great strength-based workout
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