Guacamole - You Suck at Cooking (episode One Hundo)

Guacamole is an avocado's highest honor. Every avocado grows up wishing they could become this transcendent, authentic guacamole. Although authentic is a relative term because it's made differently in different parts of Mexico, let alone different countries, let alone different planets.

How to Make This Guacamole
Step 1: Watch the video
Step 2: Follow the instructions
Step 3: Check the description for the recipe
Step 4: Take 3 avocados and do that stuff to them.
Step 5: Add in teaspoon of salt if they're large, teaspoon if they're small, if you're unsure start with a bit and add more later
Step 6: Throw the cilantro in the trash if you have that genetic defect, otherwise, chop up a handful and throw it in the bowl with the avocado and squeeze a couple lime wedges in then chop up a deseeded tomato and add that in and around to cup finely chopped onion and then some jalapeo, don't be a baby, you love jalapeo but don't overdo it or you'll cry like a baby and it will also hurt on the way out.
Step 7: Get some tortilla chips or eat it with a spoon.
Step 8: Smash the subscribe button and also follow me on Instagram because I do different stuff there sometimes.
Step 9: You've worked hard, take a nap why don't you.
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