Fuzhou Redwine Meesua Soup 福州红酒面线/麻油麵線 EP10 | Emilee's Kitchen 愛米丽厨房

Meesua is a thin and salted rice vermicelli / long life noodle. Nowadays, people started to use machine to produce this noodle. However,the hand made long life noodle is still the best. Foochow chinese people has to eat this especially during the first day of Chinese New Year because it means to have a long life / live longer.

During the confinement period, this is the main meal for a mother because it helps them to have a stronger and healthier body. Chinese New year is just three days away, so again, I will be cooking it. The whole family loves it.

红酒面线,也可称麻油麵線 , 在福州地区,面线广为民众喜爱,大年初一,人们都要吃一碗面线,祝福健康长寿。面线还有以下别称:祝寿送面线称“寿面”,妇女分娩坐月子以其为主食,佐以蛋酒、鸡汤而称“诞面”,结婚订亲男方送女家的叫“喜面”,远离家门返归或远客入门煮线面加两个蛋款待,谓“太平面”。还有三天就是我们的农历新年了, 所以我又要煮这到佳肴了。全家人都超爱。我想没有人不喜欢吧?

To see how the foochow red wine is brewed:


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