Crispy, Golden Vegetarian Pan-Fried Buns (鸡蛋韭菜粉丝木耳水煎包) | The Chinese Cuisine

These vegetarian pan-fried buns contain a delicious mixture of chives, eggs, mung bean (glass) noodles, and wood ear mushrooms. Complete with golden brown crispy bottoms!

INGREDIENTS (24 buns):
- 4 cups all purpose flour
- ~1 lb. chives
- Oil
- 2 cups warm milk
- 1 tbsp. oyster sauce
-1 tbsp. soy sauce
-1 tbsp. cooking wine
-1/8 cup sesame oil
- 2 tsp. salt
- 1 packet compressed wood ear
- Sichuan pepper powder
- Garlic powder
- 4 eggs
- Yeast
- 50g dry mung bean noodles (1 bundle)

1. soak the mung bean noodles and wood ear mushrooms in water until softened/expanded, then rinse clean.
2. while soaking the noodles and the wood ear mushrooms, make the dough. combine the flour, yeast, and warm milk. knead well and let rest and rise for 1 hour.
3. boil the now softened and cleaned mung bean noodles and wood ear mushrooms until they're cooked.
4. chop the cooked noodles and wood ear mushrooms into small pieces.
5. whisk the four eggs and add in the salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, oyster sauce, garlic powder, and Sichuan pepper powder. Make sure to enough salt and soy sauce because the eggs are what will provide the flavor to the filling. We will not be adding salt to the rest of the filling, especially the chives, which will become too watery if we do.
6. scramble the eggs over medium heat and break up into small pieces.
7. combine the chopped eggs, mung bean noodles, wood ear mushrooms, and chives
8. add in sesame oil and mix well.
9. divide dough into 4 pieces, then 6, for a total of 24 pieces
10. knead each individual piece (so that the dough will rise well when cooked)
11. roll each piece into a wrapper, thinner at the edges and thicker in the middle, about 3 inches in diameter
12. place filling in center of the wrapper and wrap it any way you want.
Helpful videos:
10 Ways to Wrap Pork Buns:
Quick 30-sec tutorial:
13. add oil to pan on medium heat
14. arrange buns onto pan
15. add about 1/3 cup water into the pan and close the lid
16. pan fry on low-med heat for about 10 minutes
17. once all the water has evaporated and the bottoms are golden brown, they're done!
18. serve and enjoy!

INSTAGRAM: @thechinesecooks
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