Cooking Spain with Teresa Barrenechea (2018)

Foods & Wines from Spain (ICEX) launched in April 2018 its new Spanish Gastronomy Training Program for Food & Beverage Managers, Executive and Sous Chefs.

The program is comprised of 3 modules that will serve to immerse students fully in Spanish gastronomy, the food and beverage industry, and innovation in terms of both business and service, within the framework of the hotel industry.

The first module consists of the online course Spains Pantry & Gastronomy given through the CECO-ICEX platform. This five-week course will teach students the essentials about the key products in our gastronomy, thanks to a complete introduction to our pantry and wines. Professors Adrienne Smith, Teresa Barrenechea and Almudena Martn will be in direct contact with the students through various video conferences. Teresa Barrenechea is in charge of the online Spanish cooking course.

#SpanishFood #Recipe #Training #Travel #Chef #Manager #Hotel #Management #Gastronomy #FoodsFromSpain #WinesFromSpain
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