A Common Potatoe Pudding to be Fired Below Roated Meat From 1777 - Old Cookbook Show

A Common Potatoe Pudding to be Fired Below Roated Meat From 1777 - Glen And Friends Old Cookbook Show

Boil and fkin as many potatoes as will fill the difh; beat them, and mix in fome fweet milk; put them on the fire with a good piece of butter; feafon them properly with falt and fpices.
Some chufe an onion fhred fmall, and put in it. Put it in the difh, and fire it below the meat, until it is of a fine brown on the top; caft three eggs well, and mix in with the potatoes before you put them in the difh; it makes it rife, and eat light; pour off all the fat that drops from. the meat before you fend it to table: it eats very well with roafted beef or mutton.

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