Chicken Dango Nabe

Happy New Year! I hope you were able to enjoy some good r&r time during the holidays:) Anyone eat too much? Watched too much TV? Well, youre not alone Its ok. Thats what we should be doing during the holidays:) just like animals that hibernate right? Winter is the time to rest, rejuvenate, slow down, and cozy up with heart and tummy warming soul foods Its been unusually cold here in SoCal land and I cant seem to go a day without some sort of nabe or soup dish. So here we are. One more nabe dish. I promise this will be the last

In Japan, dango or odango are sweet rice cakes rolled into a small ball with red bean paste in the center enjoyed as a snack with a cup of green tea. The term dango is also used for other dishes that are shaped in a ball, like this chicken dango nabe dish. Feel free to add you choice of vegetables to the pot! I hope you enjoy:)

Recipe: (serves 2-3)

Dashi:(for medium nabe)
7-8 cups water
1 - 3inch square dried kombu seaweed
1 cup fish flakes (bonito flakes with work just fine)

*The amount of water used depends on the size of the nabe or pot youll be using. Add enough water for the chicken and vegetables to simmer in. A good measure is to fill half way.

Chicken Dango:
1 lb organic ground chicken
2 stalk green onion, chopped
1 tablespoon ginger, grated
1 garlic clove, grated
1 egg

Your choice of vegetables

1. Wipe down kombu with a damp paper towel and soak in nabe with water for 30 minutes. Bring to a boil. Remove kombu right before boiling point.
2. Combine ground chicken, chopped green onions, grated ginger, grated garlic, and egg in a bowl. Combine well. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
3. Bring dashi to a boil and add fish flakes. Turn off heat. Skim any impurities that rise to the surface. Strain out fish flakes.
4. Bring nabe to a boil and add chicken mixture shaped into a ball. Strain out any impurities. Add vegetables.
5. Cover and simmer until chicken is cooked through.
6. Enjoy with your favorite dipping sauce. Ponzu with grated daikon is yummy:)

I hope you enjoyed todays video! If you did please let me know by liking the video, subscribing and sharing with your friends and family!

Thank you so much for watching! I appreciate your time and support. Please leave me any comments or questions below:)

See you next time!

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2020!!

Love, Grace

Instagram: @gracesjapanesecooking
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