Chicken and Taro (芋头鸡块儿) | The Chinese Cuisine

Taro and chicken are a perfect combination; the taro soaks up the broth from the chicken and the chicken is super flavorful.

- 6 chicken drumsticks
- 9 small taro
- rock sugar
- star anise
- bay leaf
- ginger
- 20 ml cooking wine
- 10 ml dark soy sauce
- 10 ml light soy sauce

1. slice fatty parts off and chop chicken drumstick into three pieces
2. peel and chop taro
3. boil the chicken briefly
4. put taro and chicken in pressure cooker
5. add in remaining ingredients and pressure cook for 10 minutes
6. transfer to pot and boil the remaining liquid away
7. serve and enjoy!
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