Belgavi Kunda | Indian Sweet Dessert | Recipe by Archana in Marathi | Homemade Milk Cake | Ruchkar Mejwani

Learn how to make Belgavi Kunda recipe from our chef Archana on Ruchkar Mejwani. Belgaum Kunda is a delicious milk sweet dessert that is quick and easy to make at home.


2 Litres Milk
1 Cup Curd
1 Cup Sugar
1/2 Sugar (For Caramel)
1/4th tsp Cardamom Powder
Cashews for garnishing


- In a pan boil the milk.
- Reduce the milk till it reaches 1/3rd consistency. Keep stirring.
- Add the curd and mix well.
- Then add sugar and keep stirring. Let the milk curdle.
- In the meanwhile heat another pan. Add sugar and keep stirring. Let the sugar caramalize completely.
- Pour the caramel in the hot milk mixture. Keep stirring till the mixture changes color.
- Add cardamom powder and mix well.
- Once the mixture comes together switch off the flame.
- Belgavi Kunda is ready.
- Garnish it with cashews and serve!

Host: Archana Arte
Copyrights: REPL

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