No Bake Nougat - You Suck at Cooking (episode 151)

Nougat is delicious dessert type candy stick people like to make for the holidays but it's also so sticky you might regret ever learning the recipe. But when you learn how to control the nougat, then you're one step closer to finding out who you really are.

The Book:


Go to the store and buy a chocolate bar instead. But if you insist

Froth up an egg white

1 cup sugar
cup honey
1.5 tablespoons water

Heat it up to some extent
Be very careful
Combine the egg white and sugar lava

Be careful not to glue your whole body together

Add in an amount of nuts bigger than Tony Robbins giant head

Or add in anything else. I was gonna add in a bunch of chocolate bars that contained nougat to create nougatception but I lost motivation.

Put it in some kind of mold.

Put it in some kind of fridge.

Put it in some kind of mouth.
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