1850 Mrs Bliss Curd Pudding Recipe - Old Cookbook Show - Glen And Friends Cooking

1850 Mrs Bliss Curd Pudding Recipe - Old Cookbook Show - Glen And Friends Cooking

1850 Mrs Bliss Curd Pudding Recipe:
Pour half a pint of wine into two quarts of boiling milk; when the curd is set, turn off the whey; stir together half a pound of fine sugar and a quarter pound of butter until quite light, add six eggs well beaten, and half a nutmeg; pour in the curd, beat all well together, bake in small patty pans, and serve with wine sauce.

#LeGourmetTV #GlenAndFriendsCooking #OldCookbookShow

recipe,old cookbook show,glen and friends cooking,mrs bliss,community cookbook recipes,old cookbook recipes,historical recipes,100 year old recipes,food history,old cookbooks,historic recipe,historic food recipes,the art of cookery made plain and easy,1800s cooking,tasting history,historical cooking,cooking up history,pudding recipe
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