116: Emotional Eating Starts with Childhood Habits

Raise a thumb if you've caught yourself stress eating in the past year...
How about rewarding yourself for getting through the day with a little something to indulge in (sugary treats or alcohol)?

And have you seen anyone in your household engage in emotional eating?

Eating because you're sad, stressed, anxious, worried, overwhelmed, etc?

We know it's harder to break a bad habit than to build a good one in the first place, so how can we set our kids up to be protected from emotional eating habits?

We'll talk about 3 simple strategies today:
1. How to find the right words to talk about emotional eating at a kid's level
2. Why we need to care for big emotions with love and connection, not food
3. The importance of avoiding food as rewards

And finally, we'll chat about helping our kids be resilient to the "diet culture" out there which does not have their best interests at heart...

Resources we Mention For Avoiding Emotional Eating
* Healthy eating habits with Dr. Dina Rose: https://kidscookrealfood.com/building-kids-eating-habits/
* Helping your kids avoid disordered eating habits: https://kidscookrealfood.com/foster-healthy-relationship-with-food/
* How you feed your kids is more important than what they eat: https://kidscookrealfood.com/kids-eating-styles/
* Vital strategies to raise successful kids: https://kidscookrealfood.com/strategies-to-raise-successful-children/
* Avoiding sugar with kids: https://kidscookrealfood.com/less-sugar-kids/
* How rewards set kids up for failure with Amy McCready: https://kidscookrealfood.com/positive-parenting/
* If you haven't seen my canceled TEDx yet, "The Power of Teaching Kids to Cook," that's right here: https://kidscookrealfood.com/revolution

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen: https://kidscookrealfood.com

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at https://youtu.be/GVRq0m-Ehe4
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