Ekadashi Jeera Aloo Fasting Recipe   FoodFood

Ekadashi Jeera Aloo Fasting Recipe FoodFood

Ekadashi Jeera Aloo is a delicious and flavorful Indian dish that is commonly prepared and enjoyed on Ekadashi, a sacred day in the Hindu calendar kno...

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      Spicy Aaloo Golmatol Recipe   Tasty Snack Aaloo Golmatol   FoodFood

Spicy Aaloo Golmatol Recipe Tasty Snack Aaloo Golmatol FoodFood

Aalu Golmatol is a delightful and flavorful dish that features tender baby potatoes sauted with an aromatic blend of spices. This delightful starter t...

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        The Perfect Recipe For Delicious and Healthy Badam Milk   FoodFood

The Perfect Recipe For Delicious and Healthy Badam Milk FoodFood

Badam Doodh, also known as Almond Milk, is a popular and nutritious beverage enjoyed in various cultures around the world. This creamy, dairy-free mil...

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        Vazhaikkai Cutlet: South Indian Banana Cutlet Recipe

Vazhaikkai Cutlet: South Indian Banana Cutlet Recipe

Vazhaikkai Cutlet is a delightful South Indian snack made from raw bananas, locally known as "vazhaikkai" in Tamil. This dish combines the subtle flav...

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             Navratri Special: Kuttu Ke Atte Ki Puri

Navratri Special: Kuttu Ke Atte Ki Puri

Kuttu Ke Atte Ki Puri, also known as Buckwheat Flour Puris, is a popular and delectable Indian dish commonly enjoyed during fasting periods, especiall...

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         Delicious and Nutritious Beetroot And Paneer Salad  FoodFood

Delicious and Nutritious Beetroot And Paneer Salad FoodFood

Beetroot and Paneer Salad is a vibrant and nutritious salad that combines the earthy sweetness of roasted or boiled beetroots with the creamy richness...

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