绿豆南瓜汤 - Mung bean and pumpkin soup - Chinese cooking videos | Aaron Sawich

绿豆南瓜汤 - Mung bean and pumpkin soup - Chinese cooking videos | Aaron Sawich

This delicious mung bean and pumpkin soup is perfect for summer because it has a cooling function to keep you from feeling too hot. Very easy too, as...

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芹菜炒木耳 - Fried celery and wood ear fungus - Chinese cooking videos | Aaron Sawich

芹菜炒木耳 - Fried celery and wood ear fungus - Chinese cooking videos | Aaron Sawich

Here's another easy one for the vegetarian and vegan people out there. Fried celery and wood ear fungus is delicious and healthy for you. Be careful...

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