What Whooping Cough Sounds Like - Toddler with the "whoop" sound

This is what whooping cough sounds like in my 2-year-old son - with the "whoop." Only about half of all cases present with the whoop sound.

Our real-life experience with 3 kids having it at the same time: http://kitchenstewardship.com/tag/whooping-cough/.

What are the other symptoms of whooping cough? Over 50% of my son's coughing spasms ended in vomit or spitting up. Coughing spasms tend to last a long time BUT there is also a long break between them, 3-4 hours usually. If your child is coughing all day or night long, they do not have whooping cough.

This video is taken 3 weeks after he contracted pertussis.

And what about withOUT the whoop? It's much harder to tell if it's pertussis without the classic whoop, but here's my daughter to demonstrate that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFNvGqw9HKY
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