What I Eat In A Day - ON HOLIDAY

sharing what i eat in a day on a holiday for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Full day of eating on holiday.
The place we stayed is in Wayanad District of Kerala, a beautiful hill station on the western ghats. We stayed in a small resort by name Vistara, at Ambalavayal.

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Hi I am Nisa Homey, Skinny Recipes is my youtube channel where I share healthy recipes for weight loss and weight management with easily available ingredients. The recipes are healthy, easy to make, and nutrient dense. Join me and change your lifestyle with my recipes, new videos every Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday
DISCLAIMER: This is not a sponsored video.
Copyright (c): nisahomey.com, this video is developed and first published on April 3, 2018 by Nisa Homey

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