What I ate in a day as a Low Fat High Carb Raw Vegan Episode 12

Day 427 Raw Vegan/Fruitarian/Whatever

30 Day Meal Plan with Recipes. Eat how I eat: https://payhip.com/b/ZF7D
52 To a New You Guide to help you go raw vegan here: https://payhip.com/b/60Nr

Just what I had for this day! Enjoy!

Lunch and dinner salad dressing:
https://youtu.be/O4-CC0z2BpU PLUS ADDED CHIA AND SESAME SEEDS - WITH MORE RED PEPPER than used in the recipe.

Dinner SOUP:
FIRST I took two tomatoes and chopped them small to add to the soup after for a chunky texture to the soup.
5 dates
Whole huge red pepper
3 whole Tomatoes
shot glass of cashews and a tbsp sesame seeds
tbsp apple cider vinegar
dash of smoked paprika
salt to taste
red pepper flakes
Adjust spices to taste!!!!

Blend with water to consistency of thick soup. Blend for maybe 5 minutes until the soup looks steamy and warm. Don't go overboard. I measure the temperature and stop at around 100F. Add chopped tomatoes for thick chunky tomato soup.
Topped with green onions and pepper/chipotle.

Hey friends! Just another What I ate in a day video! Now keep in mind these are filmed throughout a day and I don't end up editing them until way later, but you get the idea!! :)
*I also take a B12 and Vitamin D supplement - brazil nut for selenium and today a tbsp of nutritional yeast*
I am healthier and more nourished on this lifestyle than on anything I have every been on. No amount of convincing will sway me because the energy and health I am enjoying far outweighs anyone telling me I need meat/cooked foods.
P.S. I also will never hit the 100% nutrition goals because I do not follow the recommended fat intake or sodium intake. This is my choice because I believe in eating only 10% calories from fat (or about 200 calories of fat - which isn't as much as we think it is) but I get everything else that I need no problem! Protein, vitamins, minerals and all. If you want to learn more about why I eat low fat - you can view these two pieces by Dr. Greger - https://youtu.be/fRZduVxlP_U and https://youtu.be/4aFxzAZdv7Y

Comment if you have questions, and you can find me all over social media too:

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/rawfoodromance
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rawfoodromance
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/rawfoodromance
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/rawfoodromance
Two Grand @rawfoodromance

Fruit on!! xo Lissa
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