Unassisted Birth takes 1 Hour and 17 Minutes

The unassisted birth of our daughter was done without a hospital, midwife or doula. During this unassisted birth, Angela's water broke at 7:30 and the baby was born 1 hour and 17 minutes later at 8:47. In addition to doing an unassisted birth you will see in this video that we are also did a lotus birth. An unassisted birth just felt normal to us. We were expecting that our unassisted birth would have generated this kind of powerful a response. Laura Shanleys book titled unassisted childbirth was one of the motivation factors that made this unassisted birth seem normal to us. Our neighbors did an unassisted birth also. It was just normal to them and when they told me about their unassisted birth, it was just like every day talk. We were just naturally trained to give an unassisted birth.
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