Tres Leches Cake - Best Milk Cake Recipe EVER!

Chef Scotty schools Jason on his best recipe for Tres Leches Cake (3 milk cake).

All right. We're in the kitchen now. All purpose flour, cause you're an all purpose kind of guy. Your sugar, your vanilla, your yummy eggs, your salt, your baking powder to give it some lift. Then the tres leches are, indeed, evaporated milk, condensed milk, and then your ... And put a little cherry on top. Little cherry on top. Okay. Yeah. That's a nice little fun deal. Eggs. Eggs. We need to separate the yolk. All right. Let's get a couple bowls here. Get a little bowl there. Every... Are you gonna do everything by hand? Yeah, yeah. I'm a hand guy. You're a hando guy. Right there. Throw that bad boy there. Throw that in there. Let the garbage disposal do its work.
That's right. One and two. One and two. Wow. You really get in there with those hands, don't you? Yeah. They're clean. We're gonna put the yolks in there and around 3/4 of cup of sugar. We're gonna put these in. Slide those suckers in. Got in with two, three, four. Sugar, sugar, and then we're gonna get it going in. You're looking for color here. Color. We'll get that going. That's a pretty color. I'm gonna add 1/3 cup of milk. Third cup. A little vanilla. Just get that so it's blended. Pretty happy, shiny color. Yeah, it's looking good. Flour. What are you gonna do with the flour? We're gonna make a cake.
We're gonna make a cake? We're gonna make a cake. We're just get all the dry ingredients, a little bit of baking powder, little bit of salt. We're just gonna mix the wet with the dry here. I like to pick the spatula that matches the color I'm making. Well, of course. Why would you wanna throw yourself off? You want it to get together. We got our egg whites, and then quarter cup of sugar. We're gonna get these ... And blend that up some more. How long's that gonna be? Stiff, soft peaks. It's gonna stick, but it's gonna.. But not gonna ... It's gonna settle back down. Yeah. We're gonna put this one in. No worry about touching each other. Don't worry about it. You fold it in, until that gentle yellow color is there. That looks pretty good right there. That does look good right there. Just a wisp of white is still in there, which is what you want. Wispy. What are you gonna do? We got to ready the pan. Yeah? You gotta lube it up with some butter? This is gonna bake for around 35 to 45 minutes. Okay. Just gotta put it in the oven, 350 and we're ready to go. 350 and we're ready to go. We pulled out our cake. Yes. We let it sit for half an hour. Half an hour. 42 minutes. 42 minutes. Now it's all nice and cool. Flipped it over. Took it out of the pan, flipped it over. Flipped it over. Back in the pan. We're gonna do what with it now? We are going to put some holes in them. I like to go on the edge. You're just forking them. I'm forking. You think you've done forking, you gotta do more. Just fork it will ya? There you go. Now we're gonna do our tres leches. We have our evaporated milk. It's not first, it's gotta be second, it's the condensed, because you'll see in a moment. Yeah, you're not kidding. It's condensed. Yeah, that's condensed all right. Yeah. That's not something you're gonna open up a can and just start drinking. What color are you gonna use? I'm going green now. Wow. You've got that down. Then we're gonna ... Cream's already rising to the top with the cream. What are you gonna do with the top cream? Oh, it's going in there. Oh, okay. Stir it up. Gonna stir it. A little done. You can feel the thickness of it. You can ... First you think, "Oh, I'm gonna get artistic and draw a picture." Sure, Pollack. Say goodbye to that, and then we're gonna pour it in. It's gonna be splashy. That's a good thing. Another reason I threw the first or second of the condensed, is cause near the ... It's a little thicker that helps weigh it down, so it pushes the milk into the holes. Squishes it down. We'll let this rest for around 30 minutes, and then we'll take it from there. Let's get whipping.
Let's get whipping. Okay. Got a pint, pint and a splash. Pint and a splash of some heavy cream. Heavy cream. We're gonna go.. Sugar? Little sugar. I like sugar in mine. Yeah, a little bit. Ready? Yeah. I'm ready. Are you ready? I'm ready. It's not that it's cheating, but I almost feel like I should be doing more work. I like to give everybody a roll. You're gonna line up here. We're not gonna do the sides. Two reasons. One, we kept it in the pan here. Yeah. We could have taken it out at this point. Could have. I like doing the sides, because it really is a better presentation. You don't wanna bruise the cake. No. Don't bruise it. We will stick the cherries on after we slice it and dice it. Yes. Squares.

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