Third Green Apple Recipe of the year 2020, Green Apple Chutney, Chatpata! No Onion, No Garlic! | Sujan Fun Kitchen

Green Apple Chutney, Chatpata, No Onion, No Garlic!

#GreenApple recipes continue to be tried in #SujanFunKitchen in the Green Apple Series that was started this new year, 2020.
@Manisha Bharani's Kitchen inspired me to try out this recipe.

We have always been fascinated by Green Chutney, widely used for all kinds of recipes. So, keeping in mind our love for the tangy taste of green chutneys, I demonstrate the Green Apple Chutney in the video. It's so easy that it's unbelievable! It's healthy too with the abundant nutrients of the Green Apples.


Green apple - 1 medium

Green chillies - 2

Ginger - ½ inch

Coriander leaves - 1 small bunch

Lemon juice - of 1 lemon

Salt to taste


Chop the green apple, green chillies, ginger, coriander leaves and cut the lemon

Grind all the above ingredients in a blender to a smooth paste adding salt and lemon juice

Serve Green Apple Chutney with anything like Idli, Pakore, Vada.
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