The Secret to Standing All Day (& Why Kids Should do it at School!) with Juliet Starrett HPC: E48

What are your feet doing RIGHT NOW? Are you standing on them?

If not...stand up and watch this!

I learned so much from Juliet Starrett, founder of one of first 50 CrossFit gyms in America who got passionate about kids' mobility when she saw a HUGE problem at her daughter's field day. She launched, a nonprofit dedicated to funding standing desks for schoolchildren, and she's nearing 100,000 kids standing up all day!

Think that sounds crazy? Some parents in those schools do too, but you gotta hear why teachers love it and parents all come around eventually.

Juliet taught me how to use my standing desk much better than I was already, and we even talked food and kids and picky eaters (and our general intolerance for short order cooking).

Whether your kids are in school or at home all day, we challenge you to get them MOVING for their health!

*Find Julie online:
*Her book, Deskbound:
*Her CrossFit biz:
*Her non-profit, Stand Up Kids:

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