The LIGHT of the WORLD Green Juice Recipe!


"Green Stuff Juice"

If you aren't drinking this right away, be sure to have a GLASS AIRTIGHT container ready to store it in! I use GLASS mason jars with PLASTIC lids like these:

* I n g r e d i e n t s *
1 Thai Young Coconut (only the young coconut water is neededyou can use the young coconut meat for a different recipe)
1 bunch Kale
1 Cucumber (UNpeeled if organic; otherwise peeled)
1 bunch Celery
1 bunch Spinach

* P r e p *
1) Open Thai Young Coconut to get coconut water outwatch this vid if you need help:

2) Run all other ingredients through your Breville juicer, or whatever the best juicer is for you.

3) Combine the resulting green juice together with the coconut water.

4) For the portion of juice you're drinking right now, just add ice if desired & enjoy!

5) Immediately pour any remaining juice into GLASS mason jars, sealed shut w/ PLASTIC lids (metal lids rust). GLASS JARS + LIDS for your JUICE can be found here: Then just keep your jars of juice in a fridge or cooler until you're ready to drink some more! Your juice can stay very fresh this way for 2 days, 3 at the absolute most. IDEALLY, you want to drink juice RIGHT after it's made. REALISTICALLY, not many people are able to make a fresh juice in the morning before work, nor while at work! So do the best YOU can & make JARS o' JUICE! Can you dig it? :D

* I n s p i r a t i o n *
If you're going to eat fruit, do NOT just sit around! Get up and move! Exercise! OXYGEN is VITAL!

Leafy greens & leafy green juices are alkalizing! They are full of minerals & vitality! They are REGENERATIVE for your body! They strengthen your cells! They have AMINO ACIDS which your body prefers over protein!

I help you, you help me, and we make this a better world!

I love health!

I'm moving in the direction of love, compassion & understanding!

Be loving, kind & friendly to ALL people, not just people who eat fruits & vegetables, you silly! :D

Your true essence is LOVE. You ARE love. And so is everyone else. Some people just have "clouds" in the way of the love that they are..."clouds" being things like faulty programming from society and/or a rough childhood, etc.

Being love does NOT mean being STUPID or SOFT or to let people walk all over you! So many people mess this one up. It's possible to love someone without being obliged to hang out with them! Love also does NOT mean I go around trying to "convert" others to be a certain way and/or eat a certain way! I find it preferable to communicate with others on the level where they are at as a given, and then only going into "my" stuff if/when they express an openness to receiving it.

Be strong & courageous in your OWN way of being! Stand up for the truth! Don't be knocked around like a leaf in the wind. Be like bamboo, solid & grounded, but very flexible and also incredibly strong.

If you have weight to lose, try asking yourself: What am I holding on to? What am I trying to protect myself from? Can I face my fears by letting go of this "protection"?



Love, Dan
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