The Forbidden Smoothie

The Forbidden Smoothie

Why is it forbidden you may ask, well because it violates the Food Combining Law, Thou Shall Not Combine Melons

I am a believer in the basic principals of food combining, have learnt a ton about them and have been applying them for the most part for over 23 years, but, I see them as a tool for optimal digestion rather than static rules

I used to think bending food combining rules would result in major consequences and truthfully I would get a stomach ache when I saw other people combining food poorly

Dont get me wrong, if your digestion is compromised it can be super helpful to walk the line with food combining, and to be honest I do most of the time, really thats what makes the biggest difference

With worry and stress free experimentation on myself and through talking with hundreds of consults and colleagues I have found this rule about melons to be not only unfounded but inaccurate to the degree that most digest melons better with the addition of some citrus / acid fruit, and fair with sub acid fruit

This Watermelon, Mandarine and Mango combo has a amazing texture and taste that is tough to beat and digests very smooth

Hope you enjoy it and please dont call the food combining policeor the hospital, its going to be ok

Ps for a ton more free raw recipes as well as two free ebooks sign up to my mailing list here

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