The correct way to put the sauce on the pasta | SpaghettiSauceAndMeatballs.Com

I just had to take this short video to show how you properly add sauce to your pasta. When you take all day long to make the Sunday gravy and your guests put a tiny drop of sauce on the past, thats-a no good! You need a lot of sauce on-top of all the pasta and meats and then the Parmesan. Then after you have eating the plate halfway through you add some more sauce. You want to keep the Sunday gravy coming to the table as well. Very important! Detailed recipe for the Spaghetti Sauce and Meatballs are here:

This is a very important video. There is nothing worse than cooking all day making an amazing sauce only to see your quests pour no extra sauce on the pasta. Horror! What I like to do when I serve the pasta is drain the pasta very well (no oil added to the water when boiling, some people do this but it's wrong. The sauce will not stick to the pasta if you do this), then put the pasta in a very large bowl and add several large serving spoons full of sauce from the sauce pot and mix the pasta well. It also helps the pasta not stick to each other while it's sitting in the bowl. I also like to have two gravy boats full of sauce on the table so it can be passed around. You usually have to educate your quests that halfway through eat their plate they should be pouring on even more sauce.
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