The Boiled Husband Speaks on a 10-Year Shift to Real Food HPC: E26

Raise your hand if you WISH your spouse felt the same way about healthy eating, natural living and/or parenting strategies as you!

That would have been me for almost ten years, but all of that has changed. It's been a long road, and today, my 10-year anniversary of helping families stay healthy without going crazy at, I'm interviewing my husband to share his story of being dragged along on this journey!

We are 100% on the same page now, and it feels AMAZING. I can't even tell you. But it wasn't terrible as we worked through things the past 10 years, and today you'll hear about how we maintained respect, the keys to helping someone learn about new ways of living, and just how far we've come.

* From Hamburger Helper and soda pop every day to adding greens to his eggs and saying, "I never need to eat fast food again..."
* The funny story of the day he rebelled and bought his own cereal. ;)
* Why we keep using the word "shift" and how you can apply that in your own household.
* What "boiling the husband" means and why it was vital to our real food success.
* How Lent and doing something for someone else can be a powerful way to change habits.
* My hubby's health - triglycerides that nearly killed him, our Crohn's Disease journey, and a new announcement that is SO INCREDIBLE and the first time we've shared it publicly since we found out in the fall!!!
* Some stories that pushed us to be a bit cynical about modern medicine. :(
* Sugar is a big, big change over the last 10 years: "Sweet used to be fun and great, and now I've gotten to the point where I don't enjoy it anymore." If you wish someone you love could get to that point, watch this video with them!!!
* Physical activity and why Kris is dragging ME along in this area!

If you don't have time for the video, check the skim notes here:


The book that finally pulled him over: The Calorie Myth by Jonathan Bailor (
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