The Best Old Fashioned Donuts For Grandma

Forget about Dunkin Donuts... learn how to make REAL old fashioned donuts with me and Grandma!!! This is a recipe which was passed down to grandma from HER grandma and has been in our family for generations before that!

No worries if you don't own a donut cutter, just use the rim of a small can! Poke holes at the top of the can to let the air escape.

Very simple and you can eat them plain or add sugar, powdered sugar or cinnamon and sugar! YUM. Delicious with coffee or tea!


Youve met my grandfather on my dads side when he showed you how to make his delicious cornbread. Now, youre going to meet my grandma on my moms side who has a recipe for donuts passed down through her family for generations since the 1800s!


Heres what you need to run to the grocery store and get right now so you can make these awesome donuts:

2 eggs
1 cup + 1 tbl of sugar
1 cup buttermilk (you can easily find it at the grocery. I saw 3 different brands where you buy regular milk.)
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp nutmeg
4 tbl butter, melted
1/2 tsp salt
Approx 4-5 cups of flour
3 lbs crisco

1. Youll want to use a large saucepan, not too deep, because if its too deep, youre essentially just melting all that extra crisco for no reason. If you have one that is wider than what we used, go for it. But grandma likes that size that way she only puts in a few at a time so she can really keep track of them. Me with my young eyes, would probably rather use a wider, larger sauce pan to get them done faster. But, of course, this is up to your own discretion. Fill your pot with crisco, as it melts, add more, but youll only need about 3 pounds in total. Keep it on a low flame while you are preparing your donuts. Youll need a thermometer to test the temperature. It needs to be between 350 and 375. If you dont have a thermometer, I have another solution for you when we get there!

2. In a large mixing bowl, add your eggs and sugar. Mix together with a blender. Now add your nutmeg, baking powder, baking soda, salt and buttermilk. Mix again.

3. Add the melted butter and 1 cup of flour. Mix. Continuously add a cup of flour, then mix. Stop after 4 and evaluate. Is your dough still sticky? Would you be able to take it out and roll it like dough as if you were going to make cookies? If not, add another half of a cup. We ended up using 5 total cups. We may have been okay with just 4 and a 1/2. At 3:00 minutes, you can see what the dough should look like when there is enough flour in it.

If you dont own a donut cutter, you can easily find one in a grocery store or any type of cooking/baking store. Maybe even a Bed Bath and Beyond. If you dont have one and dont feel like finding one, use a can. Using a can opener, take the top off and poke holes on the bottom to let the air release. Youll just be making donuts without the hole in the middle, and really, they taste just as awesome! If you do have a donut cutter though, save some of the round insides and fry up munchkins like I did in the video!

4. Flour the surface youll be rolling and cutting on. Take your dough out of your bowl and flour your rolling pin. Roll out the dough to about 1/4 thick. Cut one donut out. Make sure the crisco is at the right temperature and place it (gently!) in your pot. Do NOT throw in, avoid splashing! Hot oil with burn you! If by chance, you do get a small splash, stick whatever body part it hit in the flour!! Roll on the countertop if you have to

If your test donut sinks to the bottom, rises within a minute and begins turning a light brown, then your oil is ready! If it turns a terrible dark color and looks burned, your flame is too high. Wait til it cools off for a minute and try again. This is why its easier with a thermometer, but you can always do it by testing donuts to find the right temperature!

5. Cut out the rest of your donuts and fry! When one side is brown, flip over and brown the other side. Take out and place on a brown paper bag or a paper towel. We used a brown paper grocery bag. It worked just as well as the paper towels.

6. While they are still warm you can coat with powdered sugar, cinnamon and sugar, or whatever tickles your fancy! You can probably melt chocolate and dip them in that, too! Yum. Now Im getting hungry.
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