Terrain Theory Versus Germ Theory Understanding Your Immune System

Don't have time for the video? Read the interview here: https://www.kitchenstewardship.com/terrain-theory-versus-germ-theory/

I have had this post on my list for over 18 months, maybe two years, I really wanted to dive into terrain theory at the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

I was starting to see articles about spraying disinfectants on beaches, and basically disinfecting the world. I thought, "This can't be good, this absolutely can't be good."

I was reading a little bit about terrain theory and getting super interested when it hit me, "Wait a second, I have definitely subscribed to germ theory forever."

I'd never put a speck of cognizant thought to the fact that the word theory is in germ theory meaning that it's not even necessarily proven yet. But boy, do we certainly act as though the only way to prevent the spread of disease is to wash your hands, don't touch your face, wash your surfaces, use sanitizer, etc.

But what if just like 150 years ago, doctors washing their hands between patients was revolutionary? What if there's still more revolution to come in what we know and understand?

Rather than do a bunch of research on my own, why not go to the expert on terrain theory, Dr. Catherine Clinton? I decided to have her help me get this information to my audience.
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