Teeka Chutney for Vada Pav - spicy powder - By Vahchef @ Vahrehvah.com | Vahchef - VahRehVah

its a comdination of some main ingrediants peanut ,till and chilli paste, powder .bacially it is vary spicy and hot but u can make according to your taste.



2 tsp Chilli powder
1/4 cup Coconut powder
3 number Garlic cloves, chopped
3-4 number Green chillies, chopped
pinch Hing (asafoetida)
1 tsp Jeera powder
0 Oil for cooking
1/4 cup Peanuts, roasted
0 Salt to taste
1/4 cup Sesame seeds, roasted
1. Dry roast peanuts and sesame seeds separately and then add them into a blender to make a fine powder. Keep this aside. 2. In a pan, heat very little oil. Add pinch of hing, chopped garlic, green chillies and sauté well. Add coconut powder and fry till they get slightly browned. Switch off the flame. 3. Add chilli powder, cumin powder and mix well. Allow to cool and then add the roasted peanut and sesame seeds powder and mix well. Add salt to taste and keep stirring until all the ingredients are nicely mixed together. 4. Sometimes the small pieces of fried vada batter is powdered and mixed into this chutney and served with vada pav.

you can find detailed recipes at my website and also find many videos with recipes at http://www.vahrehvah.com/ simple easy and quick recipes and videos of Indian Pakistani and Asian Oriental foods "Reach vahrehvah at -
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