Teaching Kids to Grocery Budget and Cook for Themselves (Even in Times of Inflation) HPC: E171

Find the links we mentioned in this episode here: https://kidscookrealfood.com/grocery-budget-for-kids/

"We live in a culture with a lot of entitlement," Steph Jenkins said during this interview. That's not a word in her family's vocabulary, because they're all about boundaries, budgets, and priorities.

When food prices rise, she doesn't complain about how much she's spending, she makes a conscious decision whether she'll increase her grocery budget or not (spoiler: she didn't) and then adjust spending or from-scratch cooking choices accordingly.

This girl can make anything work, and it's inspiring to hear her story!

I'm so honored to introduce you to my dear friend "The Cheapskate Cook," and I know you'll learn a lot and be encouraged by her stories of both how to create and keep to a grocery budget and the process of teaching her boys to cook and become more independent with life choices.

We get into

* organic vs. gluten-free vs. inflation
* how it feels to watch our kids fail (and why we let them)
* what it means to be an adult
* the summer experiment she did with her older kids that they're looking forward to repeating
* why our choices are important!

Listen for the gems of wisdom from this intentional mama who has GOALS for her family that she's not going to let go of, no matter what life throws at her!

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen: https://kidscookrealfood.com

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at https://youtu.be/GVRq0m-Ehe4
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