SUMMER DRINKS Kitchen Princess Bamboo's Special Drink Menu (EP282)

Today I am going to be making my special summer drinks.

UME, the Japanese plum, has a tart flavor which is so refreshing.
We make Ume syrup and Umeshu with those under-ripe green plums.

Ume is one of the Eastern medicine ingredients.
It releases heat from your body and recovers your body from fatigue.

Pink lemonade is not a Japanese drink, but I make it every summer.
Because it's not easy to find it in any grocery store in Japan.

I hope you'll like it!

1kg Ume (under-ripe Japanese green plum)
700g rock sugar
1000~1200ml Shochu (25~35% alcohol)

Ume syrup ( green/pink)
1kg Ume (under-ripe Japanese green plum)
1kg rock sugar

Pink Lemonade
3 large lemon
120g granulated sugar
40g honey
2 tablespoons dried lavender



Check out my store on Amazon!
You will find what I am using in my video.

Kitchen Princess Bamboo earns a small amount of commission from the store. The profit is saved for "Give Away"!

music: YouTube music library

Sharing output gets better skills.
Thanks! Love from Japan

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