Stress Mastery: Making Stress Your BFF Instead of Your Frenemy HPC: E31

We talked a few weeks ago about STRESS and its impact on our health and our relationship with our families. I challenged you to be more aware of your *breath* and take the "Moment to Breathe" challenge, and a few of you chimed in after trying it that it's really working!!

Personally I found being aware of my breath and its ability to control my bodily reaction to stress to be life changing and revolutionary! Why? Because I can control my breath, and in this world where too often things feel out of control, that's a game-changer.

In part 2 today, we'll discuss how to close the gap between demand and turns out that stress ISN'T what happens to you that's stressful, it's a combination of what happens and how capable you are in reacting to it. (Hint: Responding is better than reacting anyway. More in the video!)

I'll teach my Stress Mastery instructor's BFF method - you've learned the "B" and now for the rest! Dr. Heidi Hanna is the director of the American Institute of Stress and absolutely brilliant at making stress positive fuel for change, plus keeping everything easy to understand. I hope I share her information well as I'm nearly certified as a "Stress Mastery Educator!"

See Stress Mastery Part 1 where we talk about mastering your breath here:

Take this free quiz to find out how stressed you are:

Free recharge suggestions here:

Check out this sensor to help you connect your breath with your heartrate: I gave ours to my FIL and it seems to finally be helping his BP get under control after a scary few weeks and a triple bypass!

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at
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