Spinach Pancakes Recipe By SooperChef

Are you looking for a healthy and delicious Breakfast option? Try out this cheesy Spinach Pancake made with all the healthy ingredients. Top it with K&N’s Fiery Fingers and add enhance the flavor. Do not forget to share your feedback with us.
#SpinackPancake #Pancake #HealthyRecipes #Breakfast #SooperChef

How to make spinach pancakes:

Ingredients for Pancake Batter:
Spinach (chopped) 4 cups
Onion (finely chopped) 1/2 cup
Ginger garlic paste 1 tsp
Green coriander (chopped) 1/2 cup
Red chili powder 1/2 tsp
All-purpose flour 1/2 cup
Rice flour 1/4 cup
Salt to taste
Water 1/2 cup
Baking soda 1/4 tsp
Oil 1 tbsp

Ingredients for Topping:
Mozzarella & Cheddar cheese (grated) as required
Sweet corn as required
Red chili flakes as required
Italian seasoning as required
K&N’s Fiery Fingers 780 g (12-14)

Directions for Spinach Pancakes Preparation:
Prepare K&N’s Fiery Fingers as per instructions on the pack.
Cut the K&N’s Fiery Fingers into pieces and set aside.
In a bowl add spinach, onion, green coriander and mix well.
Now add all-purpose flour, rice flour and give it a good mix.
Now add salt, ginger garlic paste, red chili powder, baking soda and mix well.
Now add water gradually and mix well to form paste.
On a pan heat oil and with the help of ladle spread the mixture on the pan making 6-inch pan cake.
Cover with lid and cook each side on low flame for 2-3 minutes.
Now top it with cheese, cottage cheese, sweet corn, red chili flakes, Italian seasoning, K&N’s Fiery Fingers. Cover & cook on low flame until cheese melts.
Your Spinach Pancakes are ready.
Preparation time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 15 mins
Serving: 3-4
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