Spinach and cheese mini quiche by Indrani's Kitchen

Its a traditional French recipe but one can be very creative and versatile with the variety of fillings. The name ‘quiche’ is also from German origin word ‘Kuchen’ which means cake. But it is actually an open pie filled with a savory custard made of eggs ,bacon and lardon(Pork fat). Later on lard was replaced by cheese. I prepared a mini quiche vegetarian version with spinach and cheese.

2 cups of refined flour
10 tbsp of butter
1/2 cup of chilled milk
salt to taste

1 cup of chopped spinach
1 tbsp of olive oil
2 cloves of chopped garlic
1 green chili chopped
1 cup of grated cheese
3/4 cup of cream
1 egg

Quiche lorraine Full RECIPE
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