Soups tomato sweetcorn chicken dumpling | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Soups tomato sweetcorn chicken dumpling


Tomatoes - 250 grams
Onions - 1 number
Garlic - 4-5 pods
Butter - ½ cup
Cumin seeds - ½ teaspoon
Capsicum - 1 number
Carrot- 1 number
Vegetable stock- 1 liter
Tasting salt - 1 teaspoon
Salt - to taste
Sugar - 2 teaspoon
Basil - 1 teaspoon
Pepper powder - 2 tablespoons
Fresh cream - ½ cup
Sweet corn paste - 1 cup
White pepper powder- 1
Corn flour - ½ cup
Oil - 2 tablespoons
Whole garam masala-1 teaspoon
Ginger - 1 number
Maida - ½ cup
Chicken stock 1 cup
Chicken paste - 150 grams
Coriander- ½ bunch
Spring onions(chopped) - ¼ cup

For Tomato soup:
First, cut the tomatoes, put in a blender and make it into a puree and keep aside.
Now in a hot pan add onions, garlic, butter and by adding cumin seeds fry it for few minutes.
Now add capsicum, carrot, tomato puree, vegetable stock, tasting salt, sugar, basil, pepper powder and boil till the soup is thick.
Finally, add cream, boil for another 2-3 minutes, strain it and keep aside.

For sweet corn soup
In a hot pan add vegetable stock, boiled sweet corn paste, sugar, vinegar, MSG, white pepper powder, carrot, beans, capsicum and boil for 5-6 minutes.
Take a bowl, add cornflour, and by adding water mix it like a slurry and pour it into a soup and boil for another few minutes.
Finally, by adding sesame seed oil serve hot.

Chicken dumpling soup:
In a hot pan add oil, whole garam masala, onions, chopped ginger, garlic, butter, maida and fry till maida gets good color.
Now add chicken stock and boil it for another few minutes and strain it into another pan.
Then add chicken dumplings, salt, white pepper powder and cook it in a low flame till the dumplings float on top.
Finally, add fresh cream and serve all three soups by adding coriander, spring onions, and cream.
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