Soft and Fluffy Donuts Stuffed Donuts Fried (No-Bake) Donuts Recipe by SooperChef

Make the sweet Chocolate and Custard Filled Donuts at home and surprise your family. These sweet treats are a perfect way to celebrate your weekend. These soft and fluffy donuts are a must try. Let us know how they turned out.

#FriedDonuts #StuffedDonuts #SooperChef

No Bake Donuts

Ingredients for Donuts:
All-purpose flour 3 cups
Salt 1/2 tsp
Sugar 4 tbsp
Yeast 1 tbsp
Butter 2 tbsp
Egg 1
Oil 1 tbsp
Milk (lukewarm) as required

Ingredients for Custard Filling:
Milk 1 cup + 4 cups
Butter 2 tbsp
Egg yolks 3
Sugar 1/2 cup
Corn flour 1 tbsp
Vanilla essence 1/4 tsp

Ingredients for Chocolate Filling:
Cooking chocolate 2 cups
Butter 2 tbsp
Milk 1 cup
Sugar 4 tbsp
Nutella 1/2 cup

Directions for Donuts Preparation:
1. In a bowl add flour, salt, sugar, butter, yeast, egg, oil, milk and knead a medium soft dough.
2. Keep the dough in warm place until doubles in size.
3. Now take the dough, roll it out and cut it into square shapes.
4. Let it rest again for 15-20 mins or until it proofs.
5. Now fry these donuts until light golden from each side. Your Donuts are ready. Set aside.
Directions for Custard Filling Preparation:
6. To prepare yolk mixture, in a bowl add egg yolk, sugar, corn flour, 1 cup of milk and mix well.
7. In a pan heat butter and add remaining milk, yolk mixture, vanilla essence and cook over low flame until thick in consistency. Your Custard Filling is ready.
Directions for Chocolate Filling Preparation:
8. In a pan heat butter and add milk, cooking chocolate, sugar. Cook until chocolate melts.
9. Now add Nutella and cook until desired consistency has reached.
10. Take off flame and let it cool at room temperature.
Directions for Assembling:
11. Now add the custard and chocolate filling in separate piping bags.
12. Make holes in the prepared donuts and fill them with chocolate and custard filling.
13. Your No bake stuffed donuts are ready. Serve and enjoy.
Preparation time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 20 mins
Serving: 4-5
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