Slow Motion Food #3 : Deep Fry Kitchen Verb

Deep Frying is cooking food by submerging it in hot fat, usually vegetable oil. Boring ? Just watch it in Slow Motion.
As it does not involve water, it is considered a dry method.

There's beauty everywhere around us and food, or cooking, makes no exception. Daily common actions become outstanding performances when looked at, through the right lens, or at the right speed.

Never be bored by food. Enjoy every moment you spend in the kitchen. Next time you'll be deep frying some chicken, I am sure you will look at it from a different angle. And then my job would have had some sense.

This project took me a whole year to complete, from a vague funny idea to a very real first episode. Many people were involved and I thank them for that, they are all mentioned in the credits.

Special thanks to Phantom Cameras for for trusting me and for lending me a Phantom Camera Miro 320s which is a fabulous machine. We were able to shoot at 1500fps which I believe is extraordinary.

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I am thinking of making a great cookbook, if you are interested, drop me a line there :

Lots of love,
Alexis Gabriel
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