Silica: It's Not Just About the Beauty!

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In my previous video, we discussed how this Orgono Silica product made my hair grow faster and longer than ever before. Yes, Silica is one of the number one nutrients needed for our beauty due to the fact it is required for collagen formation. Orgono has proven through clinical studies that an increase of 19% in collagen production happens. If you bought this product, within the next 60 days you should notice an increase in your hair length. I know our beauty is important lol. However, there are much more important things that are potentially happening when taking this product.

One of the biggest misconceptions out there is that calcium is the main mineral needed for the formation and strength of our teeth and bones. However, silica is just as, or even more important

Our teeth and bones are basically made up of a matrix of protein and calcium salt deposits. The matrix components are produced first, creating a structure in which calcium salts are also deposited. The fibrous matrix is made up of collagen fibers and gives flexibility to the bone and supports tension, while calcium salt gives firmness and allows the bone to withstand pressure. Silica is the top mineral needed for this bone matrix and the calcium salt deposits into this bone matrix.

There are many clinical studies proving that Silica is critical for teeth and bone health

Studies show that
Silica is needed for the accumulation of these calcium salts to be deposited into the bone.
In bone issues like osteo-sarcoma, silica goes down by 50% while calcium and sulphur goes down by only 5 to 8%.
Silica deficiency results in less calcium, magnesium and phosphorus concentrations.
In X-rays, patients show a remineralization of the decalcified areas when Silica is taken.
Silica added osteoblasts and bone marrow cells, increased bone synthesis markers, including Type I collagen.
In silicon-deficient chicks and rats, the leg bones have reduced circumference, thinner cortex and reduced flexibility, and the cranial bones appeared flatter than normal.
Silica accelerates the process of healing bone fractures and re-calcification.
Postmenopausal women suffering from osteoporosis, not only inhibits bone resorption loss of bone mass, but also increases trabecular volume and mineral density.
Rinsing silica in your mouth for a few minutes is good for treating your gums, and it was used when doing dental surgery for accelerating healing in a 5-year study.

I personally swirl the Orgono Living Silica in my mouth whenever I take it. Its a way to topically get the silica into your gums and teeth. I suppose Im doing this for my beauty, lolok but regardless I feel that silica is the most critical nutrient for building bones and teeth.

So when you take Orgono Silica for your beauty like me, even more incredible things are happening internally above and beyond all this!

It removes heavy metals like aluminum from your body! Studies in humans have shown an increase in urinary excretion of aluminum when taking silica. Animals fed a diet low in calcium, high in aluminum and low in silica results in accumulated aluminum in all areas of the brain. When supplemented with silica, no increase in aluminum occurred with the same diet. Silica has also been shown to reduce inflammation, has been used to alleviate eczema and psoriasis, and is incredible for the heart. Silica gives flexibility to the arteries as its one of the structural compounds of the vascular walls. An aorta which has suffered a stroke shows 25 times less silicon than a normal aorta. Silicon decreases arterial wall permeability and increases the intercellular mass and the thickness of elastic fibers.

Silica is mainly found in fibrous plants, however, the US soils have been so depleted of minerals such as silica, and our food has way less silica than it used to. There is not even an RDA daily allowance on silica, as it is of no concern to the powers at be. Our healthy bacteria helps create silica solubility, and in todays day and age, where everyone has poor diets and are taking antibiotics, leaky gut and a lack of healthy bacteria are prevalent. So not only are we not getting enough silica, but we arent absorbing it either! Furthermore, silica doesnt accumulate in the body so we need to get more each day.

This Orgono Silica product is practically a miracle and one of the best things we can take for our beauty and health due to its absorption rate and how deficient we are. As we mentioned before, there is no other Silica in the world that even comes close to the absorption rate as Orgonos (70% assimilation rate & 64xs more absorbable than colloidal silica). It is one of the few supplements that I take daily. So be rest assured that if you got the Orgono Silica for your beauty this month at our discounted, that you are also reaping other incredible benefits.
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