Russian Salad Recipe By SooperChef

Must watch this Easy Russian Salad Recipe. Now get complete Russian Salad Recipe English with one click. Learn how to make Easy Russian Salad Recipe at home. You can make Russian Salad by watching this step by step short but comprehensive Video.

#RussianSalad #RussianSaladRecipe #SaladRecipe

400g Boiled Potatoes

300g Boiled Carrots
1 kg Apple
200g Boiled Peas
400g Mayonnaise
1 cup Cream
300g Icing Sugar
1/2 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp White Pepper
200g Mix Fruit
5g Pistachio
5g Almond
Cooking Method
1. In a bowl, add boiled potatoes, boiled carrots, apple, boiled peas, mayonnaise, cream, icing sugar, salt, white pepper and mix them
2. Use mix fruit, black grapes, pistachio, almond for garnishing
Your Russian Salad now ready to serve

Preparing Time: 20 minutes
Serve: 2
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