Restaurant Style Plating! How to Butterfly a Fish Easily for Steamed Fish or Deep-Fried Fish Recipe

If you're planning a fish dish for your Chinese new year reunion dinner, consider butterflying the fish up and serving it just like pros do in restaurants. Butterflying a fish is a simple process. Simply follow Roland's technique or have your fishmonger uncle butterfly it for you. Either way, consider serving your fish dish in restaurant plating style to dazzle your dinner guests :)

This video is a prelude for our Steamed Fish with Preserved Radish recipe, which we created in partnership with Knorr Singapore to celebrate 2022 Chinese New Year. Before we show you how we cooked the fish, we thought it would be helpful to show you how to butterfly it. The steamed fish video will be released this Friday morning (21 January 2022, 7:30am Singapore time). We hope you'll find the recipe useful.


If you are looking kitchen tools, we found some interesting ones on Amazon that you may like.

Knife set

Doublesided Cutting board
(one side stainless steal & rice husk fiber material on the other side)

Disclaimer: Spice N' Pans is not related to these products and cannot guarantee the quality of the products in the links provided. Links are provided here for your convenience. We can only stand by the brands of the products we used in the video and we highly recommend you to buy them. Even then, preference can be subjective. Please buy at your own risk. Some of the links provided here may be affiliated. These links are important as they help to fund this channel so that we can continue to give you more recipes. Cheers!
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