Real Food Family Tries Soda Pop for the First Time!

In my picky eating membership, we talk a lot about avoiding full restriction of foods, because sometimes that can create desire. After my daughter came home asking about "Dr. Pepsi," I decided it was important for my kids to try some pop (as we call it in Michigan) so that it didn't become some sort of hidden Holy Grail.

It was a fun surprise to have pop on the counter and do a side-by-side taste test one night at dinner.

You can see their reactions were certainly varied!!

I'm proud my kids are able to think about how food makes them feel and realize that there are many layers to what we eat and how it impacts our body.

If it's true that full restriction causes desire and that we never want to create a trophy sensation by putting dessert as a reward after dinner, then sometimes we may need to surprise our kids by buying something that we don't think is good for them.

What do YOU think??
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