This vid is a shout-out to my friends at http://rawloveuk.com !
I wanted to show you and your students
why I went raw, what it does for me,
and what it can do for you too!
You guys are da bomb!
Good luck with your raw food classes with
Malachi the raw chef on Saturday!

Free Juicing Recipes *
Raw Food Recipes *
Free Juicer Recipes *

A Raw Vegan After-Workout Protein Juice
~ not too sweet, not too tart & not too green! ~

* I n g r e d i e n t s *
1 bunch Red Chard
1 bunch Parsley
1 head of Fennel
1 bunch of Asparagus
1 Cucumber (unpeeled if organic, peeled if inorganic)
1 Beet
1 Lemon (unpeeled if organic, peeled if inorganic)
2 Apples

* P r e p a r a t i o n *
1) Run all ingredients through your Breville juicer, or whatever the best juicer is for you. http://bit.ly/mIrEW

2) Add ice, if desired

3) Enjoy!

* I n s p i r a t i o n *
After a hard workout, it is always beneficial to replenish the cells with a green juice full of amino acids to replenish the body with the building blocks it needs to build strong, healthy muscle.

Parsley is great for the kidneys, adrenals and keeps the breath nice and fresh. It also strengthens and sweetens the bodily fluids.

Fennel is also excellent in sweetening all bodily fluids, and opening up the lungs.

Asparagus is great for cleaning out the kidneys, it is loaded with amino acids, and it keeps the blood alkaline so you can stay healthy and fit!

Cucumbers are also great in flushing the kidneys and keeping you hydrated on a hot day (or any day!)

Beets are excellent in keeping the liver clean, and to build strong blood.

Lemons pull toxins out of the body, expand and open the lymphatic system and detoxifies the body by pulling mucus and toxins out of the body with its astringent properties. Lemon is the ONLY citrus fruit that I juice the peel (but only if its an organic lemon, of course).


To put it simply, raw vegan food is fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts and seeds. I believe that these are meant to be man's foods, because all the other kinds of foods, like cooked, animal and processed foods, tend to leave too much metabolic wastes behind in the body, which clog the lymphatic system, and can lead to inflammation, obstructions and ultimately disease.

I am here to help you remove the obstructions in your body so that you can live a healthy, happy vibrant life. I personally find the easiest way to do this is to eat 100% raw vegan foods. I don't necessarily have anything against the other foods, I have just found them to more likely clog up my system. Experiment for yourself and see!

Another reason why I choose to eat 100% raw vegan foods is because I have witnessed others heal themselves of various diseases and ailments, such as my friend Dave the Raw Food Trucker, who healed himself of type II diabetes in just 4 days and stage IV colon cancer, not to mention also losing close to 200 pounds of excess weight in the process.

Raw vegan foods, especially fruits, help to energize the cells. The vegetables help more with the healing, as they are good to alkalize the tissues and allow your body to heal itself.

In addition to consuming more raw fruits and vegetables, aim to remove the obstructive foods such as: breads, cakes, cookies, candy, meat, complex carbs, dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream.

Even though I personally never had to heal myself of cancer and diabetes, before I discovered raw foods, I had spent most of my life addicted to drugs and alcohol and spent many years living on the streets. Today I am 100% sober, and I owe it all to raw foods!

So, if you want to have a NATURAL high, get on 100% raw vegan foods and experience the raised energy in your body. You may have to process some intense emotions throughout this process that you previously had bottled up inside, but just keep moving forward.

I want to thank RAW LOVE UK,
who asked me to do this video for them!
Malachi, the raw food chef...thank you!
And keep up the good work!
Do us all a lovely favor and
check out their lovely website!

You Like? ...then Please Subscribe!

Love, Dan
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