बिहार की फेमस रायता या रतुआ #ratua | Kartik's Kitchen by Pooja Singh

Lauki Ka Raita | Ghiya Ka Raita | लौकी का रायता |#Ratua
Lauki Ka Raita is a delicious curd recipe made with BOTTLE GOURD (Lauki) and some flavourful ingredients. It is one of the most famous and authentic raita recipe from Bihari cuisine, served during parties. It is also called as RATUA. We can preserve this raita recipe for longer duration.

250 gm Lauki(BOTTLE GOURD)
200 ml curd(yogurt)
1 teaspoon ajwain(Carom Seeds)
1 teaspoon haldi(turmeric powder)
1 spoon salt
1 teaspoon red chilli powder
2 tablespoon black mustard(powdered)

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