Quick and Easy Hotpot Soup Base -

Recipe at: http://bit.ly/2BIpxcf

Steamboats are a must have staple during the Chinese New Year dinner in many homes. This year we came up with recipes for quick and easy to make soups that you can pick. As Singaporeans spicy food is one of our favourites - and we want to share with you our delectable Laksa and Tom Yum soup base.

For our Laksa soup base, we combined Heinz chicken broth with laksa paste, coconut milk and lots of chopped and oh so fragrant laksa leaves. We add the sliced tau pok to let it soak up all the Laksa soup.

As for our Tom Yum soup base, combine Heinz chicken broth with Tom Yum, lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves, galangal and fresh lime juice to make for a spicy kick in your soup. We added prawns for its sweetness and straw mushrooms for texture. For those who want an added punch simply add Thai bird eye chillies to the soup base!

Bring out the finest flavors this festive season with Heinz Chicken Broth!
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